Thursday, May 26, 2016

Postcard People

Congratulations to all those people who have got a postcard I think you have really deserved it and the year fours must of done well to get a postcard. Once every week 3 people get a postcard on Friday it is very exciting because it is not just year six who get the postcard you get your picture taken. The postcard is so so so special. Here are all the people who got a postcard so far. Congratulations. 


  1. that is awesome sage all the post card people they did well to get a post card

  2. That is a really awesome blogpost Sage. It is nice that you choose to do it about something in the hub.

  3. I agree sage everybody who gets one, is awesome. I like how you did a blog post about the postcards. Keep up the awesome posts. Kai pai

  4. thank you for commenting

  5. wow sage that sonded awsome
