Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Monday, November 21, 2016
P.E jumping, running and throwing
Hi guys today I am blogging about P.E. For P.E we have been doing jumping, running and throwing I hope you enjoy my blog post about super fun P.E. I known I had lots of fun making this blog about and doing P.E. Here is some photos of me and my learning buddy doing P.E together having fun.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
In maths, we have been doing times tables on tables master. My best score is 67 sec. It is really really really hard sometimes. times tadels app
This my favorite 5 times 11 x 5 = 55
12 x 5 = 60 10 x 5 = 50.
Here are the ones I get mixed up 9 x 5 = 45 and
8 x 5 = 40.
Here are the I do fast ones. 1 x 5 = 2
2 x 5 = 10
I love doing maths!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
my writing
Here is my writing
WALT develop a story to entertain the reader- Sage
Text form: Narrative
Success Criteria
- Use the Writing Process (Get Ready, Craft, Revising, Editing, Sharing)
- Structure your narrative through your plan
- Begins with orientation (setting and main character)
- Paint a picture with words (descriptive words and actions)
- Paragraphs (Orientation / Events x3 / Resolution - Ending)
- My writing goal:
Dancing with the sky
A long long long time ago there lived a little girl named Crystal. She had a brother named diamond. they are twins they but do not look the same. They lived in a small cottage in the forest, the cottage was covered in plants and vines. But nearby there a evil lady, no one new what she was called so they just called her mystery of evil that is.
“ No no no. How many times do I have to tell you, I will do it myself ” yelled mystery of evil her name cat “just live me alone” she carried on. Not to long after she set off to find the twins she fined them at the playground.
Cat was about to attack when suddenly the sky pick up Crystal and started dancing so did Crystal. Not so long after the sky pick up diamond when the same thing happened all over again.
Now and then they go dancing with the sky.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Hi guys today I am so happy to be blogging because it is about my PBL an I ma happy to be sharing it with you because it is one of my best things that I have done. Here is my project.
Create a Description of Your Project
Project Topic: synchronized swimming
Photo/Screenshot of Project (insert below)
Finish these starters:
- Something I enjoyed about my project was being creative with my project because it was really really fun to make and a challenge.
- The most challenging thing about my project was making it with hot glue gun because I burnt myself and it was hard to glue the stuff onto it.
- The main skill I got better at was revising I got better at it by changing my project.
- Something interesting I learnt was that the training for synchronized swimming was harder than I thought.
- What I would most like to change about my project is I would like it to be in a bigger box. Because I can add bigger photos.
- I would like to do my next PBL about artistic gymnastics.
Choose three learning muscles and explain how you used them during your PBL.
Questioning because I had to ask myself to work it out and to make a better project. Imagining because I had to imagine how it would look. Noticing when I saw a mistake I went back and fixed it.
Create a Description of Your Project
This needs to have either video or audio. You can use any app you like. Include a link here. You will embed it as part of your Reflection PBL Blog Post.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
art post
Would you like to buy an awesome piece of art that you can keep forever and ever? Well I have the thing for you and better yet it is on sale but you have get yours now before offer ends. You get them in cards, notebooks, diaries and calendars. Here is my pic.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Hi guys today I am blogging about a steam and leaf graph. We had to do it in 3s. It was a really fun activity to do. I had got in group with the people Bella C and Holly T she is my BFF.
This is a list of stuff we needed for our math task.
This is a list of stuff we needed for our math task.
- masking tape
- paper
- pen or pencil
- math stuff like counters/shapes
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
robots in school
Robots in school
In school some lovely people have come in to school to tech us about Robots. We have lesson once a week in those lessons we have made robots and programmed them so far. Today I will be talking to you about making the Robots there will also be some photos. The first lesson in the first lesson we had to make Robots. There were a lot of thing we had to do here are a lest of things we had to do.
- We had to use teamwork to solve a challenge
- Managing distractions
- Absorption
- Collaboration
- Noticing
- Listening
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
olympics task
olympics task
Hey guys today I am blogging about olympics task that we have done over the week they are rally cool task that we have done. We had to work in our learning buddy groups to do the task and one device per group. Hare is 3 facts from 3 task. This is how many gold medals Michael has 18. Here is a fact about football, football has become so violent in England that it was banned by the king. This is what sport Lisa Carrington represented for NZ: canoe or kayak. Here are some photos of the task.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
The BFG movie
Hi guys welcome back to my blog today I am blogging about a movie. I saw in the holiday that my nana took me and my sisters it is called the BFG by Roald Dahl. My nana took us to the movie because my nana works at Napier theater. My a pinon on the movie is that I thought that the movie was rally cool to watch my favorite part was the end of the movie because it had happy ending. I think that you should which the BFG but something I haven't told you it is scary in some parts for me but maybe not for but you never know. But it is a rally rally rally cool movie. Here are some pics from the movie BFG. Hope you like it :). `
This is how the movie starts.

This is how the movie starts.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Self reflection for report
Hi guys today I am blogging something I am very very proud of. It is my self reflection for my report, that is why I am blogging it, this is one of my best writing so far. My other one is free choice writing. I was so proud of that, it is on my blog too. Check it out. Here is my self reflection.
What has been your highlight of the year so far? Passion project because it is rally rally fun to do and work on and I try to do my best.
What has been your highlight of the year so far? Passion project because it is rally rally fun to do and work on and I try to do my best.
What license do you think you are on and why? I think I am on my strieder license because I do not ask for help when learning gets tough.
What are you like as a learning buddy? I think that I am a good learning buddy because I help my buddy when he needs it. I in to work on setting next to my buddy.
What is your favourite subject and why? Art because it is so much fun to do and funny when you get paint on you.
What learning muscle have you been focussed on this year? I have been focussed on my Empathy and Absorption, those are two big ones for me.
What is it like so far in Rimu Hub? I love it in Rimu hub because the teachers make the learning tasks fun and Funday but I have only been to Funday once.
What is you your favourite learning space and why? The quiet room because it is quiet to work in and is easy to focus.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
free choice writing.
Hi guys today I am bogging my free choice writing with you because I am proud of it and it my personal best it took me a long time because I wanted it to be my best so it can move me up a level in writing.
Here is my free choice writing and the criteria.
Free Choice Writing- Sage
Here is my free choice writing and the criteria.
Free Choice Writing- Sage
Persuade, Entertain or Inform?
I am learning to communicate my ideas effectively to the reader.
You choose the topic and you choose the writing purpose. This needs to be your best independent writing for assessment. Below is the success criteria for quality writing. Use this criteria and go for it!
Success Criteria (Sentence formation has been our main focus)
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Content & Ideas
Include a range of ideas with clear details.
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Sentence Formation
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Choose words and language features to meet my purpose.
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Clear beginning, middle and end with paragraphs.
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My best spelling with good attempts at words I don’t know.
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Use all basic punctuation (capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks) correctly and attempt some complex punctuation.
Sweet sweet treats
Sweet candy facts.
Candy is sweet because of the sugar inside of the candy there is lots and lots of sugar that is way it is so so sweet and most people like candy just because it taste nice and is sweet. The people who like candy most is kids because it is really really taste nice and is sweet.
Sour candy facts.
Some candy is sour like topstick wats it is a really really sour candy but if you like sour stuff like I do it should be nice and then there is sweet sour candy like sour patch kids by that I mean it is sour and sweet at the same time. My favorite sour candy is sour patch kids what one is yous?
Sweet and sour facts that they share.
Sweet and sour candy have fat in them and sugar in and some have it on them as will as in them that is what makes the candy yummy and sweet. But on candy is heavy.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
learning muscles
In rimu hub we have learning muscles. My learning muscles I am working on are absorption and planning. There are lots of awesome learning muscles my favourite one is perseverance. Here is all the learning muscles.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Postcard People
Congratulations to all those people who have got a postcard I think you have really deserved it and the year fours must of done well to get a postcard. Once every week 3 people get a postcard on Friday it is very exciting because it is not just year six who get the postcard you get your picture taken. The postcard is so so so special. Here are all the people who got a postcard so far. Congratulations.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
maths workshop prove it
In class we have been doing workshop prove its in class today I am shewing you my maths workshop prove it. This is how it works we go to a workshop on what we need to what it is or how to do it sometimes both than you have to prove it. Hare is my last week maths workshop pove it.
Workshop Prove It
I learnt what is estimating and how do you do it.
Here is an example: I guessed I am one metre and a half tall. It is the same as an estimate.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
my holidays
In the holiday I went to the movies with my nana we watched Zootopia. It was very exciting I could not wait. We had popcorn and pizza the movie was so cool but scary in some parts when animals went savage. When the movie finished we went into the game room and played a ball shooting game and a cordle game. My fave character is Judy Hops. Here are some pictures
Hare is Judy Hops.
Hare is Nick Wild.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
iProud 1
I am blogging this because it is my personal best and I am proud of it.
My Best Learning
This is my camp letter .
Dear Sue,
Thank you so much for taking time off work and away from your family thank you for being on the river walk with us. I appreciate it.
It was fun on the river walk with you. I like how you helped us when we needed it especially in the strong current. I liked how you kept on encouraging us to move when the river got tough. My favorite part of the river walk was being able to float. Thank you for helping us on the river walk.
My favorite time with you was when you helped us through the strong current it was hard to keep my balance and still fun. My favorite part of camp was playing spotlight because it was fun but scary when the finder would came to look. My favorite activity was the pool making because it was fun and I enjoyed it so so much when I got wet.
Yours sincerely,
From Sage
I am proud of this because I took my time and it is better than I expected.
My biggest challenge was selling my words creatively.
Monday, March 14, 2016
camp fun
Hi I just got back from camp I am tied it was so so so much fun I enjoyed it so much. We did some activities. My favorite one was the pool making one by river it was so cool my teem won!!! . Here are some photos. We went Omatua/Weks.
Hope you enjoyed my camp post.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
puzzle art
We did a puzzle piece they each a make one big puzzle. They all represent one person in the hub. Here is a photo .
Here is my one.
Here is my one.
This is my favorite one it is Ruby's.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
My post for 2016
Hi I'm in Rimu hub this year. My name is Sage im a year 5. Lets start the blog for 2016. I am in Moriarty home room. My favorite thing about rime is dig staff I especially like the symballo. I have a friend her name is Holly she is a year 4. My goal this year is to earn a postcard or lots of certificates. At home I have one cat and one kitten there names are snicks and whisks he try's to attack our feet the cat is very skittish. I love art my favorite tip of art is painting it is fun when you get it every were. I also love swimming and singing. One of my hobbys is reading. My favorite game to play on the computer at home is minecraft it is fun to play there are different mods.
Here is me.
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